The Friends of Victory Lakes Association needs your help!! Our Board is a small group of members that volunteer to help keep the business running to save our lakes. Without the help of our members, we would not be able to do this. Below is a list of some specific areas where volunteers are needed. If you feel there is something additional you can contribute, please let us know by contacting us at [email protected]. If you are an organization looking for a community service project, we have lots of opportunities for you!
- Grant writing
- Property walks
- Dam checks during heavy rainfalls
- Tree maintenance – cutting and removing dead branches, and fallen trees from lakes
- Heavy lifters – removing objects from the dam, dead geese/fish
- Beach maintenance / weedwacking
- Printing assistance – forms/passes / newsletters / other communications
- Event advertisement – Craigslist, local papers, community newsletters, Facebook groups
- Ruch Community Center restoration and maintenance
- Landscaping / beautification
- Mailing Supplies Donations – small and large envelopes, stamps, postcards
- Donation solicitors for events
- Lawn mowing and property maintenance
- New member welcomes
- Website maintenance
- Grant writing and research
- Communications
- Environmental research – how do we get rid of those lily pads with current regulations?
- Event volunteers for cleanup, setup, serving food, assisting with sign-in, and soliciting vendors.
- Annual membership drive materials preparation and distribution
- Many other things – let us know how you can help!